Design Sustainably
A collection of tips, tools and resources for eco-concsious digital designers.
Design tips

Tips for UI/UX designers
even small changes can have huge impact!
Every pixel, user interaction or second of load time can have an impact on the footprint of your product. Especially when scaled thousands of times. Check out how can you leverage small changes to huge impact.

Working on a product?
tips for UX, Product or Service designers
Whether you have most influence on the UX, Product design or Service design parts of your product, here are some good higher-level tips and tricks you can use.

Food for thought
stuff every designer should think about
Can the old frameworks we use address the problems designers are solving now? Is aiming for sustainability enough? Which challenges will design face in upcoming decades? This and more topics to discuss and think about.

A collection of articles about sustainability, design, new frameworks and approaches.

Hey! You're not alone! There are many groups, communities, slack spaces and events you should deifinitely follow.

If you really mean it there's a couple of titles worth reading. It's not just all about design and sustainability though.

Food for thought in a package perfect for commute, running, doing chores or any time in between.

There are folks who've been researching and practicing this fields for years and decades. So just pick their brains while nibbling on popcorn!

Evaluation tools
Would you like to asses the impact of your product or website? Here's a couple of tools that will help you big time!
Got any more ideas?
I tried my best but I know there is still a lot to learn, know and research. If you have any other tips, tricks and resources I didn't mention here, just hit me up on socials and I'll include them in this collection.